If you would like to clear or reset ZeroTier's address on a device (the 10-digit address node ID) or you have cloned a device and you want to prevent it from using the same address, follow these instructions:

  1. Stop the service. On Windows this is done with the service manager. On Mac you can open a terminal and use "sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.zerotier.one.plist". On Linux this is usually "systemctl stop zerotier-one" or "service zerotier-one stop".
  2. Delete the files "identity.public" and "identity.secret" from ZeroTier's working directory. On Windows this is usually "\ProgramData\ZeroTier\One". On Mac this is "/Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One". On Linux this is usually "/var/lib/zerotier-one".
  3. Restart the service. This is "sudo launchctl load ..." on Mac, starting via the service manager on Windows, or "start" instead of "stop" with "systemctl" or "service" on Linux.

When started without identities ZeroTier will generate new ones. You will need to authorize this new identity on any networks.

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