Mac and Windows platforms have graphical interfaces that provide tray or task bar icons.

All platforms have the zerotier-cli command line interface which can be used to join and leave networks and check the status of the zerotier-one service.

On Unix-like systems you may need to preface zerotier-cli commands with sudo, while on Windows you will need to use an administrator-mode command prompt.

Using zerotier-cli

Get your ZeroTier address and check the service status

zerotier-cli status

200 info 998765f00d 1.2.13 ONLINE

Join, leave, and list networks. Remember, ZeroTier networks are 16-digit IDs that look like 8056c2e21c000001

zerotier-cli join ################

200 join OK

zerotier-cli leave ################

200 leave OK

zerotier-cli listnetworks

200 listnetworks 8056c2e21c000001 02:99:35:84:f9:dc OK PUBLIC

List Networks Output:


You're up and running on this network!

Requesting Configuration

Negotiating with the network Controller. This could take about a minute. If it takes much longer, see Router Configuration Tips.

Not Found

Typo in the Network ID?

Access Denied

You node needs to be Authorized on this network (via Talk to you friendly network administrator.

Port Error

Something went wrong with the ZeroTier installer.


On Linux, make sure the tun driver is loaded.

Collect debug info for support.

zerotier-cli dump

This command creates a file on your desktop with information about your device and ZeroTier. Some of this info may be considered private information, so post this in public at your own discretion.

“missing authentication token and authtoken.secret not found (or readable)”

If you get this error message, you’re likely trying to run zerotier-cli from a non-administrative account. On macOS, Linux, or other Unix based systems, use sudo zerotier-cli. On Windows, use an Administrator Command Prompt.

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